Family Dentist Burlington ON

Many seniors struggle to maintain their optimal oral health. As we age, we may find we are dealing with more dental issues than in our younger years.  The truth is that there are effects of aging on the mouth and teeth.  For this reason, elderly teeth falling...

Our wisdom teeth are the backmost molars that tend to come in during teenage or young adult years.  These molars are not necessary. In fact, they can greatly disrupt our teeth and oral health. By the time these teeth come in, the rest of our mouth...

Being a dentist in Burlington is beyond rewarding for the Fielding Family. There is an abundance of families who are patients at Fielding Dental Healthcare who are full of life and joy and make the relationship between us and them one we are very grateful...

1. We are great for families who have multiple kids. We love to accommodate multiple children at our dental clinic and try to make it easier for parents to get everybody in and seen simultaneously while being efficient with their time. We also try to...

Who would have thought that working for a Dentist Office in Burlington would have given me so much pride and happiness. Having been an artist my whole life, I never would have imagined working for a dental clinic in Burlington would be where I ended...